You’ll be picking fruit that is perfectly ripe and ready to eat and it’s a great family activity. It gives you the chance to get outdoors, have fun and show your kids where their food comes from. You’re getting the very best fruit at a great price and some farms even let you eat as many strawberries as you like while picking!
Tips for picking
Make sure you stay sun smart while picking your strawberries. Wear a long-sleeved shirt, a hat and plenty of sunscreen. Closed shoes are also a good idea as you’ll be walking around a farm environment.
Local strawberry farms
Here are 5 strawberry farms we found that are currently open for ‘pick your own’ strawberries, but you’ll be able to find more online as the season gets going. Please check the days and times they are open before you go and note that some farms only take cash.
- Ti Farm’s Pick Your Own Strawberries
- Kien’s Strawberry Farm
- Sue & Tim’s Fresh Farms
- H&N Strawberries
- My Strawberry Farm
Once you’ve picked your strawberries, why not try some of our delicious strawberry recipes!
3 ingredient strawberry and yoghurt icy poles
Strawberry and chocolate tarts